Anime 5E Monstrum Libri Volume 1 - Woodlands and Mountains Role Playing Games Dyskami Publishing

Anime 5E Monstrum Libri Volume 1 - Woodlands and Mountains

Dyskami Publishing

  • $39.95
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This first 144-page, full-colour Monstrum Libri expansion for the Anime 5E fantasy role-playing game features a collection of monsters, creatures, and other oddities of all shapes and sizes. Volume 1 provides game stats, behavioural tendencies, and potential variations for beasts from across the Challenge Rating spectrum that are primarily encountered in woodland and mountain habitats. From beastwalkers to dewthrogs, gap hounds to silmulcats, hopping barkwarps to swelling picorocs, and thunder rats to shrub ghoulies –  Monstrum Libri is an ideal component of your Anime 5E adventuring experience!

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