Monthly LGTBQIA+ Meetup!

We're hosting a local LGBTQIA+ Gaymers meetup every month at Common Ground Games! Join us the second Saturday each month from 6-11pm at Common Ground Games' new location.
We'll have board games available to play. If there is something you want to play feel free to bring it. If you're an MTG player, bring your favorite commander deck.
We're looking forward to seeing you!
Feel free to be here before 6 if no other events are using up the space as well!
This event is open to all and several local groups participate in it including:
DFW Gaymers, the oldest and largest gayming group in North Texas -
DFW Fuse, coordinated by the Dallas Resource Center, a social group for men 18 to 35 -
Geeks & Gaymerz of North Texas - A local gayming group -