Animated Spells Lv6 V1 Deck  Hit Point Press

Animated Spells Lv6 V1 Deck

Hit Point Press

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The Deck of Many Animated Spells - Level 6 introduces some incredible new spells to your spellbook, whether you want to summon a skeletal army with Create Undead or feed your friends with a Heroes’ Feast! Powerful magic is now within your reach!

CONTENTS: 31 Spell Cards

• Blade Barrier

• Chain Lightning

• Circle of Death

• Conjure Fey

• Contingency

• Create Undead

• Disintegrate

• Eyebite

• Find the Path

• Flesh to Stone

• Forbiddance

• Freezing Sphere

• Globe of Invulnerability

• Guards and Wards

• Harm

• Heal

• Heroes’ Feast

• Instant Summons

• Irresistible Dance

• Magic Jar

• Mass Suggestion • Move Earth

• Planar Ally

• Programmed Illusion

• Sunbeam

• Transport via Plants

• True Seeing

• Wall of Ice

• Wall of Thorns

• Wind Walk

• Word of Recall

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