PF2 RPG Lost Omens Character Guide Special Edition Role Playing Games Paizo

PF2 RPG Lost Omens Character Guide Special Edition


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This must-have 136-page guidebook for characters of all types introduces three new ancestries to Pathfinder Second Editionthe regimented and warlike hobgoblin, the plant-like leshy, and the inquisitive lizardfolkprovides 10 new heritages for the game`s core ancestries, offers nearly 100 new ancestry feats, and presents 10 new archetypes to allow characters of any class to participate in the world`s most notable organizations, from the adventurous Pathfinder Society to the rabble-rousing Firebrands to the magical masters of the Magaambya! This deluxe special edition is bound in faux leather with metallic deboss cover elements and a bound-in ribbon bookmark.

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